понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Why did I end up falling in love with you?
I was only trying to live a happy life. I ended up believing. In you. In us.
I canapos;t hate you. Iapos;m not able to. It would be for the best, yet I canapos;t convince myself.
Everybody around me says I have to let go and try to change, change the both of us.
Sometimes I get so blue and depressed Iapos;d love to hurt you and make you bleed, but I canapos;t. I tried once - and failed miserably.
I suffer when youapos;re sick and Iapos;m happy when youapos;re fine. Thatapos;s some hardcore duality of feelings. Simple yet complicated. Pure yet driven, in a way.
Why canapos;t we live happily together? Why does it have to be so hard?

... I bet no one has ever felt so deeply concerned and involved with their own body. I surely am weird.
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Well... I could not stand trying to level a druid, and my husband and I�both decided to try going back to our other server. Apparently they are still having some server problems (one reason why�I�am not playing right now), but�I�am thinking surely soon enough they will either open realm transfers up or maybe they will actually solve the problem completely. :3 I�am hoping for the best, though... Because I�love my guild on that realm. But the character I�have on there is a level 42�Draenei Hunter, and I�could never be happier with her. I�am exalted with the humans, Revered with everyone else. On my way to exalted with the Night Elves... I figure I�am going to start a mount collection--why not. No, I am not doing it for the achievement or anything; I�honestly just like collecting things. Like pets for instance. :B�

Anyway... So, I�promise this is my last character switch off. I�love my Draenei Hunter too much, hehe. That, and�I�just got her hair did last night... Looks the same as before, but�I just colored it. It used to be white and now it is the darkest color..� like the contrast actually. But anyway... I�am going to eyeball the forums now and see if anyone has an idea when my server is going to pop back up.

Also, note I�Am keeping the halloween avatar up until after actual Halloween not. November 1st my avatar will be a nice lovely one of my Draenei, as I�already have one of her in my picture area if you are curious. :] Mainly I�think I�took a wicked picture with my husbandapos;s character and I. Even though now he is playing his old Rogue who is named Zykes... But still�;3

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Gisteravond, we lagen al lekker warm in bed....opeens, een auto, piepen, een enorme knal. We zaten meteen rechtop in bed. Niet voor lang want we sprongen eruit om te kijken. Een grijze auto stond raar 'geparkeerd' in de straat. De auto van onze buren stond half op de stoep. Overal kwamen buren naar buiten. Dus meteen schieten we de spijkerbroek aan en rennen de straat op. De grijze auto had veel schade. Uit de verhalen bleek dat hij de wijk in kwam rijden maar hij stond nu met de neus in de richting waar hij vandaan was gekomen.

Op de stoepje aan de overkant zat een mevrouw en een klein kereltje. De buren van de overkant zaten er al bij en een ander buurman stond al de hulpdiensten te bellen. Die kwamen. De ambulance was er het eerst. De mevrouw en het kleine kereltje waren niet gewond.

Overal kwamen ook andere mensen vandaan rennen. Die waren in redelijk beschonken toestand en erg agressief. Wij hebben wat afstand gehouden. Sommige waren duidelijk bekenden van de politie want ze werden door de, inmiddels in grote getale aanwezige agenten, bij voornaam aangesproken. Inmiddels was er onduidelijkheid ontstaan over wie de bestuurder was. De meneer die als eerste bij de auto stond zegt dat een vriend in zijn auto had gereden.

Opeens kwamen de buren eraan rennen. Ze waren via via gebeld. De buurman ging helemaal over de zeik, de buurvrouw stond te shacken. Weer hun auto. Vorig jaar, precies de nacht dat wij terug kwamen uit Turkije, is hun vorige auto gejat met een sleepwagen. Da's dus net een jaar geleden. En ze hebben behoorlijk wat gezeik gehad met de verzekering. En nu dit weer.

Om een lang verhaal kort te maken. Vriendje heeft wat foto's gemaakt. De dure grijze auto is afgesleept, die van de buren is blijven staan. Het lijkt met hun auto gelukkig niet ernstig, de grijze auto is waarschijnlijk total-loss. We hebben bij een andere buurman wat gedronken en zijn toen naar huis gegaan. Vanmorgen heeft vriendje de foto's gebracht. De buren waren redelijk rustig.

Just another Saturday night bij ons in de straat. Altijd wat zo langzamerhand.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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***Iapos;d forgotten Iapos;d saved this intending to get back to it. Shows just *how* tired I was that night in the days afterwards. This all happened on the last day of August.


And now Iapos;m Pooped

As some of you know, on August 10th, my Parents marked their 40th Wedding Anniversary. Today though was the Grand Celebration

Our friends, as their present to us, booked our local hall and arranged to take care of the kitchen clean up. Even though we decided to make it Potluck, we do have a Community Kitchen and also use of the dishes and silverwear for things such as this. Easier to take advantage of those dishes and silverwear *and* the heavy duty Commercial Dishwasher than to buy paper plates.

I saw so many people today...My headapos;s still swimming a bit. Family I havenapos;t seen in years and others that were a total surprise. Like my cousin Craig, his wife Michelle and their two little ones from Baltimore who came up and told his parents *not* to tell us they were coming. My cousin Monica who has always been close to my Dad made a very quick trip up from Toronto for today. My Dadapos;s good friend Joe, whom we all thought a year ago would be in his grave after falling off of the roof of his house while working on it, walking over and giving my parents the biggest hug. My sister and brother in law, who has been behaving himself for a change and not baiting me over certain things as he usually does. A major Miracle

The only thing I knew would be a problem and sure enough...The friends that put it on for my parents, theyapos;ve formed a band and... Our Hall has a major acoustics problem. Put in any type of music and Yi yi yi Not only was it loud, but w/the people trying to visit, it turned into a dull roar. Combine that w/the thump a thump a thump a of the drum set and...Little wonder my headapos;s still pounding, huh?

I had to go out into the foyer at one point because I just couldnapos;t handle it and, just as I told Mom would happen, people are coming up to me to complain. As I told them, I *told Mom and Dad this would happen* Was I listened to? Nope However, one of the highlights of the night did come about due to the band.

The young daughter of our nearest neighbours and her friend, a granddaughter of good friends of ours, have gotten up and sang a couple of songs w/them from time to time. Since Abby is so close to my Parents and the other Abby knows them too, they decided they wanted to sing for Mom and Dadapos;s Party. It was the cutest thing. Neither one can read yet (Theyapos;re Kindergarden age), so the one had her Aunt prompting her and a Cousin prompting the other through a couple of rounds If Youapos;re Happy And You Know It and then This Little Light of Mine. Mom had managed to find two teddy bears in our stash of stuff, so fized them up in gift bags for the girls. The Abby from across the road ran to her parents to show them and then ran back to throw her arms around my Mom. The other one just yelled my Momapos;s name and then hugged her saying, "Thank you, Thank You, Thank You" They certainly deserved them, as I said, they really were one of *the* highlights of the night.

All in all...As tiring as it was everyone had a great time and Thank Goodness we made it a Potluck. Even w/doing that, we nearly ran out of food As Mom keeps saying, good thing not everyone could stay for supper. There was something like 175 who signed the Guest Book and I know not everyone did. Our friends from Hamilton who have the place on the land behind us told us he counted 220 people.

And Dad was worried not many people would show up. He thought weapos;d be lucky if 50 people would show up. I wouldnapos;t have been surprised if 100 showed up, but over 200? That really surprised me.

Then again...As Iapos;ve told them, they tend to forget how many people theyapos;ve helped out and how many kids theyapos;ve toted back and forth from the Island to Sudbury and back over the years. Like the Children of friends who needed a ride either here or there during their University/College years. Or the kids that were in the house across the street from us in our neighbourhood in Sudbury. Their parents were having a rough time, eventually divorcing, but Mom and Dad would bring the kids over here for a break from all of that whenever they could. So many of them were at the Party and it just amazed us how many came.

As I said in my speech to thank everyone for coming and those who did the hard work of setting things up in the Hall and who worked so hard in the Kitchen, itapos;s not often a kid can say to their Parents what I did when they told me they didnapos;t need a party to celebrate their 40th Anniversary and not get creamed. That was "Mom and Dad I love you both dearly. So please take this in the manner that itapos;s intended. Please shut up and get out of the house so I can start planning this thing." :oD

It really was a wonderful day and if they donapos;t know by now how much theyapos;re loved and respected not just by our family, but also the Community, I donapos;t know what weapos;ll have to do. Theyapos;re still stunned a bit by it all, but a 40th Anniversary doesnapos;t happen everyday, so why not celebrate a wonderful couple and all that they mean to not only each other, but to all of us too

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad Hereapos;s to many more

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Matt and I will be moving down to LA at the beginning of next year.��

We will soon start looking for a replacement Adina at work, so that there will be ample time for training.� And when moving time gets closer, Iapos;ll start looking for accounting jobs down south.

Also, I�will be attempting to transfer from CSUEB to CSU Fullerton (because it has a very similar MBA program).� I donapos;t intend to start school immediately after the move, since weapos;ll need to get settled and find jobs and all of that business.�

Iapos;m very excited.� Itapos;s been a long-time dream of mine to move somewhere new.� I like it here, but have never lived anywhere else, so itapos;s definitely time for a change.

New city, new job, new school--Canapos;t wait

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We have a new grocery store in town. Iapos;ve resisted going in, because itapos;s in just another big strip mall development. Not that the first one isnapos;t, but it was here before me. Silly, I know. Itapos;s across the parking lot from Lowes, so I stopped in tonight. Well, I walked across two huge parking lots with Eddie to get there, but thatapos;s life in the apos;burbs.

They have Naan And more herbal teas And many more types of greek yogurt And more natural foods Yippee Iapos;d been hoping to get a Whole Paycheck in town, but this will suffice.

Iapos;m watching a recorded Tim Gunnapos;s Guide to Style. I love this show, because they always take them bra shopping first. I just saw the oddest bra fitting. Her ribcage was 27", so she was a 32? That never works for me - the bra strap is up in my back armpit. And then she determined cup size by measuring from the bra strap up to the nipple/point. Eh? Iapos;ve never seen that before.

I do enjoy the show, but I have to say, it does get a big love-festy at times.

At least Tim Gunn can say "Empire". Itapos;s EMPIRE. Not Ahm-peer. The fake French is bloody annoying.

So, that was a very important deep meaningful type post.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Happy birthday to Brian Davis.

itapos;s important, I hear to love your friends despite their flaws. And in this case, it rings true. Sure, Brian may be a paedophile and a murderer. Sure, he eats babies (poached or broiled are, I hear, his favourites, but to be honest theyapos;re so tender you can just stick them on the grill).

And I know that he has the general social demeanour of the bearded lady. He might look a lot like Yoda. And maybe his verbal skills are skin to those of Chunk from the Goonies, but never let it be said that he canapos;t communicate well with his ear wiggles.

But despite all that, brian is one of my oldest friends. Heapos;s a good person (WAY deep down) and truly excellent.

Plus, heapos;ll understand when the apocalypse comes and I eat him for food first.

Well, second. Christina is first. Because sheapos;d probably be delicious. But thatapos;s what she gets for exercising.
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