суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Matt and I will be moving down to LA at the beginning of next year.��

We will soon start looking for a replacement Adina at work, so that there will be ample time for training.� And when moving time gets closer, Iapos;ll start looking for accounting jobs down south.

Also, I�will be attempting to transfer from CSUEB to CSU Fullerton (because it has a very similar MBA program).� I donapos;t intend to start school immediately after the move, since weapos;ll need to get settled and find jobs and all of that business.�

Iapos;m very excited.� Itapos;s been a long-time dream of mine to move somewhere new.� I like it here, but have never lived anywhere else, so itapos;s definitely time for a change.

New city, new job, new school--Canapos;t wait

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